'Morning, 'Afternoon, 'Evening,
maybe you wonder what the connections can be between wolves and a richer life.
Any wise person would say that all the things are connected, up to you to find how. There are always direct and less direct connections, but there are always some.
We hope you like reading these English articles we have chosen for you to work on.
They are from "The New York Times" and "The Guardian"; they have been selected by Speak Up. We would be very pleased if you felt fascinated by this reading, the way we do all the times we hear of so unexpected stories.

It's a matter of training to become, in case we aren't yet, optimistic. And English is the right excuse.
What you can do with both articles, is taking these titles: Not Just About Being Positive, Do It Now!, Learning Optimism, Framing Your Thoughts - first article - Fascination, The Family, Into The Wild, A Scary Moment, Protection, My New Life - second article - and create your own connections to build your story - Intermediate Level, or in alternative, any single title at a time and write separate sentences - Elementary Level.
In class we'll continue together, comparing all written productions.
Do you have any other memories about wolves?
Do you remember "Dances with Wolves" ?
Would you like to write something about that wolf?
Very soon we'll talk about the native Americans too, promised.
Let you be fascinated also by films and enjoy your English while writing, so that it will be even a greater pleasure reading you. Ideas are bubbling, we are going to talk about them in class and we'll keep all of you informed about any further development.
Benedetta: good job! Like and love usually plus the ing form; its life is a possessive adjective, while it's is pronoun plus verb to be; pack of wolves; for living (or to live):some documentaries, plural; the preposition for TV is on.
See you in class, choose another page and continue writing!
Anna - Coordinator
Source: Speak Up, September 2012 - The New York Times; February 2011 - The Guardian
Martina: continue with your interest for animals, and let you be fascinated by wolves. There is a film, its title is Grey, where wolves play a disquieting role, such as to reveal humans' qualities. Beautiful and unexpected, the film and its plot. Find and watch it and tell us in class about it.