You are growing, like the Universe, and it’s definitely time to combine your Universe with English, since when you leave school you have to be familiar with this second language. Do not ever forget the four Ms, Meaningful, Memorable and Measurable plus Motivation; i.e. measurable objectives which we would like to get first with teen agers, integrating schools’ programs, namely considering that, when at fifth grade, you have a curricular subject taught in English.
Therefore, if a person is a whole Universe in the Universe, inside and outside ourselves there’s so much to know and explore to spend an entire life. Up to you to decide how you want to do it; we just want to help you to perform good English, to become an educated citizen of the world.
Talking about the Universe, there’s an origin, a growth and a maturity; in our maturity as human beings we can share our knowledge and life with other human beings. Time to work is now, while you’re going towards the age of maturity. We would like you to acquire the language of the international communication, that allows any single person to feel at home wherever English is spoken. Becoming bilingual means welcoming one more identity to be added to the other(s) you have, Italian, French, German, Albanian, Croatian, Chinese, Arabic, Moroccan, etc.
Nowadays technology makes communication fast, intelligent, functional, smart. Everything depends on its content and the reason why we want to communicate. Let’s start with a wish and make it. Let’s try to find out all the possible Universe(s) thanks to you, tell us what your Universe is, the environment in which you live, the one you would like, maybe something we don’t know yet, that is revealing unexpected potential everybody can finally know thanks to you.
Own source photo: English in the Open Air Labs - Welcoming Mediterranean Cruise Passengers, Piazza del Municipio, Livorno, Summer 2017
Photos taken with all pupils' parents' written permission