The Universe, once more.

 Good morning,afternoon, evening, 

who can tell us why we wrote The Universe "Once more" ? 

Is the Universe a subject of interest to you?

What about the figurative language that uses universe as a noun?  

Where can you see a universe or universes, or better, as it's being sayed nowadays, a multiverse? 

Have you read any of the books written by Stephen Hawking together with his daughter Lucy?

Do you know any films involving subjects such as wormholes, or time travelling?

Let us know either here or in class. Read the article and enjoy your English!

Federica: what a good contribution, yours, to our page!  Definetely a good interpretation, yours, of "once more" and it might be.  We meant that since the universe is both figurative language and an ispiration to this blog, it is on previous pages too. Visit some of them, including the third on your right from the blue menu. What a pity we can't find enough time to upload more and make you reply! But we'll try, do not despair. 

Anna - Coordinator 

Source: Speak Up, April 2019 


0 #2 Federica 2019-05-13 18:53
We learnt also that we are living in a small part of the universe and that there are many other “solar systems” beyond our. Are there other life forms? Are there other people in any places of the universe? Could we ever meet these living beings?
I’m very fascinated by scientist as Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking: they changed direction to the physical theories, so nothing it’s been the same after them. The relativity theory has introduced the connection between time and space and the possibility of time travelling; Hawking, starting from this discovery, theorized the Big Bang and in our days scientists like Fabiola Giannotti and her team at Cern in Geneva try to reproduce the event with the Large Hadron Collider.
0 #1 Federica 2019-05-13 18:49
Talking about universe is very fascinating because it’s a topic surrounded by mystery. Many scientists studied the begin of universe and how does it work: obviously, they tried to explain the phenomena with the knowledge of their time, so the results were different. Nowadays we can talk about the universe having more knowledge, especially after the relativity theory; in this sense we can write about the universe “once more”.

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