
Parmitano & Cristoforetti, Volare & Futura

Good morning, afternoon, evening,


after last classes we thought that uploading worksheets here could be helpful so to have them at one's disposal with just a few clicks. 

We are very busy trying to coordinate all our courses, be faithful, we'll succeed. 


And what about you, are you busy these days? 


So far, you can find here a worksheet about Parmitano as an astronaut and experimental flight test engineer/pilot, since the subject has been of so great interest to so many of you. 

After listening to an interview with him on the Italian radio, Rai Radio Tre Scienza on 25th November, we thought the questions asked him could become interactive class material.

Here are a few of the questions he was asked, and for you the task is guessing what he answered.


You can write down your answers and in class we'll give each one the chance to be compared with his ones. Have you heard Parmitano speaking? What language? Any comment on any special perception of yours ? Think of them and let you be fascinated by languages. They are friends.

Go to March in the Archive and please find the first man who went into space in 1961, plus one more Italian astronaut we can be so proud of. 

There's reason now to wish Samantha Cristoforetti all the best for her mission "Futura" to the ISS, the International Space Station, starting in November 2014. We thought that Leonardo's Italian words about flying could be a good omen for the whole "Futura" mission.


  Do you Do you think Leonardo would have liked to wish Italian astronauts a good flight? How would you say in English what he wrote and that you have here? 

I would also like to thank Silvia, a new student, who so willingly came to class the first time with the three papers you can find below to study. 






















Come to class ready to speak about what you've written and never forget to enjoy your English, that's great!

Anna - Coordinator  












Source: self and //; ESA Bullettin Number 145 February 2011