
English for Life: Conservation of Biodiversity, Open Air Labs and Welcoming Mediterranean Cruise Passengers

Good morning, afternoon, evening

Nicola, Denise, Giulia, Alberto, Samuele, Luca, Lorenzo, Elisa, Giorgio, Luca, Tommaso, Francesco, Federico, Manuel, Federico, Andrea, Matteo, Giacomo, Fabrizio and Diego , 

this is a page for you to work on. 

First, form groups of three and among the so many pictures you have on this page,  choose a minimum of three to tell your mates and the guests we’ll have very soon what happened with this English for Life.

You have papers onto the easels in the park to write on your names, a name for the group and both the answers to the questions and your narration linking the protographs chosen. Before speaking, you’ll have appointed a student per group as the speaker.

The students of the other groups will have to ask a minimum of one question each one to the mates of the speaker, who will be able to help.  

You will be recorded as a podcast will be edited with all the material of these laboratories, to be broadcasted by Radio Uni Pop, partner of Media Literacy Network.

Those who want to partecipate in this and other podcasts and want to offer their help, will be very, very welcome.


You have worksheets with precise instructions to follow in order to partecipate in the competition "English for Life", that will be rewarded with prizes. 

Start with worksheet n° 1, questions to answer, then go to worksheet n° 2, paragraphs to put in the right order, and after doing this latter, compare the result with the original text, worksheet n° 3. Then there is worksheet n° 4, with missing words, to consolidate what done before. If you need to consult the points of reference given at the very beginnning of our course, go to worksheet n° 0.

In order to describe photos, you might find useful these expressions:

at the top, in the background, in the distance, in the middle, in the foreground next to me, in the bottom right-hand corner, in the top left-hand corner, on the right, on the left. 

But more than that, enjoy your English and be creative with your group (and the others)!

Anna - Coordinator  Source: our own photos - I will upload your written productions, while you can diretly do it with your comments