
The Price Of Tourism

Good morning, afternoon, evening,

this is a page also for Elementary Students whom we warmly invite to participate in replying to questions and writing comments.

Think of a place where a lot of tourists go. Do you think tourism has a positive effect on that place? 

Read the text you have below and try to find the answers to these questions.  

1. How far is it from London to Sidney?

2. How long does it take to get from London to Sidney?

3. How many tourists go on safari  each year?

4. Which doesn't damage the environment so much: going by train or flying?

5. Which countries earn a lot of money from tourism?

6. Who owns the hotels in many tourism resorts?   

Can you think of more tips for responsible travelling in addition to these ones? 

1. Treat wild animals with respect

2. Wear appropriate clothes

3. Travel in small groups

4. Eat food which is grown locally

5. Speak to local people

6. Don't stay oin big hotels

7. Use public transport

8. Don't use too much water 

Using the mind map of the last picture, write complete questions for each item, and give the answers. 

We'll talk about it in class, see you there

Anna - Coordinator

Source: Cult DeA Scuola 2015

Eleonora: nationalities need capital letter; developed; have arrived (but it is not very English); landscape has changed; and the ecosystem has been damaged; it takes; and a half; world is becoming; for the environment; local populations.

Claudia: always in a hurry replying to students! Thank you for your comment. Possible improvements for your comment: 

then in the past; sorts; everyone has their different consideration for; and everything from; for everybody; we don't have to; because we are guest; for future generations.

See you in class, Anna